Cervical osteochondrosis

Neck pain in women

Nekolku modernite lue is not clusname of osteochondrosis. Poveet the NIV imaat postoiano iskusni simptomele of this bolest. A wide syreeta on the bolesta vklucaja prelungirea sedee on the pc, deposit the beginning of the stomach, locate the ishrana, ITN. osteochondrosis of the cervical ' RBE CE manifester with Bolek, muscula slabost, ogranichivaya mobilnosti and the iron golem bro on the other simptomi.

Don't ignoriruet means of osteochondrosis, Bidai meaning popso singing the theme to the se zapocne tretment sense popso singing the theme to the oslobodi se od bolesti. In the pocitnice fazi conservation tretman: medicine line, fizikalna terapija, fizikalna terapija, massage, ITN. The paawat of the complications, and the destructio of the koska, and the ' skavica structure of the e-mail dodeljena work.

It's in an e-mail

Osteochondrosis of the vratit e patologia, Koa CE a New self in lueta. Jivotnie not stradaet of It. The egg, the doli of VerticalNet reduve the ' betot. In this pozicia, prsente stickes of Edna on the other, in the dovedova to factor in child care intervertebrale gradually discove CE CE of the unisteri.

Grata in Matmata, p CE od 7 prsley that the CE oddeleni of the edni from the friends, the discove. 'Betot e-mail mobile for quite a bit, like a, e zosta That an Eden of the naramowice of sectori at the' betot. Nakamit the link in the cervical ' RBE e intervertebrale of the discove, co prvenstveno CE reflectir degenerative promeni.

Rasprostranjenost of the gloto degenerative disc bolest Obecni low muscula of the corset to the vretot areas. Poker is That, a new set of the e field of the purslane is a Small, in Goleman, tie imaat of the razlichni structure and premnogu, press Yes CE CE adni with friends. That e-mail prekinuta Sesto dope and a bit of a optowave the vretot Mauger To predizvici the newnote roselove, and, isto Taka, Compresie of cronite sadovi and service of evidence. The pinching in the 'rbeen arteria that CE postaveni vnutrennost of the' rbutt in this oblast, postout of the opasni of the complications.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical ' rbet (PRODAVNICA) it is that the Soochow izdadeno (pomostowe of the akoto without having a nucleus pulposus, and that the osteti nadvoresna of new plantations), and herniated disc. These structures CE compreser to the nervnie snopova, Sadovy.

The parade degenerative promeni in the intervertebrale of the discove CE Shalamova vertot to the paava a kockice vtori (osteophytes) in the areas of slobovia in prsente. The parade ova nacuva ' ratiot channel, and the compresion in the neurovascular education and training.

Help. In medical statistics, a grato of osteochondrosis honored GI NAPA lueta age of above 35 years of age. Iaco is Now waiting for podbudowie the sabolova, that's an honor for the development of the AJ pazienti 20 years ago. The egg, the doli chief sedentary start in the gut, and it ishrana.

Securite CE identifikovane 4 fazi in patologia:

  • Phase 1 – pocnuva, and that the RASPA in the " revista soochi pomeo prsente. At this stage, bolesta all of the izbrisani simptomele. Of the needle, patientia, not the tablegame.
  • Phase 2 – pritisok of the ' rbeen drive vicina e namelen, integriteta of the svoice nadvoresna a new e-mail srsen. At this stage, Mauger Yes se manifestera izdadeno. Wait Bolek, a limited podvijnost the vretot may be precursive chuvstvitelnosti to a person.
  • 3rd grade – izdadeno transformirovalsya in the herniation CHILDREN oblohy of cronite sadovi and Musculine. The apartment at the Bolek syndrome waiting for Bolek at glavata, ortografico.
  • Section 4 – formerie of osteophytes and that of the stable structure with three wheels on the purslane, but a little bit down in the nervnie vlakna. Bolkata is not icesnow, there is vacanies, Osteen sosednie Presley, there is a neurology simptomi.

It is important for you To se zapocne tretman for a 1 – to 2 fazi, and that the izbegat seriozni of the complications of Mauger To you that the carigara yourself hirarki.

The reason

Osteochondrosis in the PRODAVNICA is a complex and dahotre processes in the Mauger Yes, the case is under vliianie of Broni negativni work.

For example, to seniors, to the person bolesta povrsina e-mail with the age and povrzani with a promeni to the teleto. Potoa degenerative promeni, the se slucuva a result of the loss of the councils circulatia kruta, metabolismo, imunologic systems of slabee.

Sepak, licorice all-identifikovat glavnica is causing the grato degenerative disc sabolova:

  • Pogresan become.
  • Krivine of the ' betot.
  • Damage to the Groto in the Matmata section.
  • Prenumerata tejina.
  • Occuvite of the physical work.
  • Prelungirea sedee on the computer.
  • Passive starting of your stomach.
  • To the detriment of the metabolite Procesi.
  • Zaednicki hypothermia in the Brachot.
  • Negotitate organizacia in the barato of rasva the obrazovanieto (premnogu MEK a beautiful and high-pernica).
  • Honor to to stress, chronicity, Zamora.
  • Vradini the anomaly of the structurata of PRODAVNICA.
  • Autoimmune sabolova who are preciselywhat degeneratia of a ' skavica.
  • Infectia.
  • Caracteristics delovi one of taloto, for example, a very long time or a short-vretot.

Under the vliianie these factors pacnet can gather a intervertebrale structure, koskenoja Divo, Osteen Nervi snopova, crudite sadovi.


Clinicgate fat of osteochondrosis of the cervical ' rbet (OSOP) in the razlichni. For this reason, pacientii CE nade That Tesco, and that razbere in addition to CE slucuva with Niamh. The start of the demonstration at the bolesta CE condemning nachinat to Zamora. After paawat of simptomele rush to the doctor immediately, but in a new, slusa, doaa to irreversibily promeni CE a wee prisutni, and the other lies in the structure of grata in Matmata there is To uspee.

Neck pain in osteochondrosis

Glavnica simptomi of osteochondrosis of the cervical ' RBE:

  • Bolek a mestoto the vretot, amenitie.
  • Slabeet of the Musculine about Pogodin section of the ' betot.
  • Prenumerata lacee to work.
  • At the expense of chuvstvitelnosti to gornice the extremitati.
  • Narusova of the koordinacija of Dwight.
  • Cephalalgia (glavobolja).
  • Ortografico (ortografico).
  • Narusova sluhat to vidot.
  • Skokovi, in provides the pritisok, ITN.

Prirodata in the glavobolja with osteochondrosis of the opredeluvawe: paroxysmal, persistent, macna, its annoying. New from se manifestera parade spasam of the monocyte sadovi, Compresie the nervnie vlakna of gloto, Shalamova the intracranial the pritisok.

When OSHOP Bolek is not sekogash CE poebyvat the mestoto of the gloto of the Matmata section, That Mauger Yes se ruchirat of amenitites, and razete. The nepriatnost Mauger To you HAPP by spiee, nanadan digea, stagnated in the vretot, for example, when you are singing the theme to a cellica or a sneeze.

Osteochondrosis of the PRODAVNICA pritisak to izvira CE nebudou in the zavisnost od vremeto of the denot, postoina hipertensia acharacteristics patologia. Although when pritiskat art Ledneva simptomi: cephalalgia, baulk at the razete, vacanies in the grato region. Pritisak kapky honor CE Subeliani on the nerve, or the napetost in a Musculine addition, the Presto in-niezgodna pozicia.

A syndrome of gloto of osteochondrosis

When OSOP postout nekolku syndrome (typical of the drzavata that the CE pridruzeni of the karakteristicne symptome). Nivnata manifestatia co nervnie of the evidence, and the crudite sadovi CE Osteen.

A syndrome of gloto degenerative disc sabolova:

  • The " retin arteria CE AVEVA, the results of the compresia or aritzia of an arteria in the and maintain a monocot. Potoa pacientu e stradat from Narusova shluhot, vidot, ortografico, to pritisok, glavobolja ITN.
  • Srava – development when compresia the nervnie snopova CHILDREN Innervate the diaphragmatic, or the pectorally Musculine. Potoa, tuka e-mail Goree unit, to gradate, to the lack of sdiv, slabost, srceto palpitation.
  • Gipertenzia – predizvici the compresia of Venice, predizvicite ostatua istekoht in krv od glavata. Potoa, Goleman intracranial the pritisok, patientt Strada of cephalgia, Gadea, powree.
  • Grata for-migraine – predision parade compresia of the services, okrujayut ' rbeen arteria. Potoa, your goal is migrenepodobna macno units, in the Brachot. Violence treese for about 10 hours a day and is a common pridruzene the eruptia in Povray.
  • 'Betot e nacestid to the development in the potraga about some of the details. That e-mail from the predizvici compresia of the Eden of the nervy vlakna in the prsley at gloto of the Matmata section. In the crsee of the Spravedlivost 1 – 2 'rbutt in the gloto of the' rbatt chuvstvitelnost an injured or there is a unit in the Brachot. The state's 3-pair wapenen Ascot, in the space at the back of the usite, That e-mail Tesco and that Waka Granata. A bit of the 4 pairs of koreni e pridruzene with the unit in the collarbone, hiccups, ominato Holte. If you claim to Spravedlivost, a 5 – to 8 ahead in the nervnie vlakna, patientt e-mail Tesco and they are moving razete.
Help. Therefore, osteochondrosis of the cervical ' RBE CE manifester with a nekolku simptomi, togas diagnose an Tesco. Satoa is neophodno, and that the razberi to yourself, That e podobro that konsultiert experti.


If you don't, you know, in upload if you can shine somnitelno simptomi, That the e podobro that consultarte the Wasit to the medication. If you e-mail the purpose of the Wasit Lekar singing the theme to have to upate to the orthopedist, ' rbatt, and a neurologist.

The diagnosticky NAOD, Ledneva instrumentalna a ispiti:

  • X traci.
  • The computer or the Magneti-resonant tomografia.
  • Electroneuromyography.

The sieve of the Pohorje leadership, Democracy and the ASPIRATION obezbede some information about the cervical ' rbet. For example, x-ray, CT, MRI CE koristi for the odrive in patolsky promeni the ' rbatt structure. Electromyography Bozorova, and that the proceni sostoyat of the nervnie vlakna.

Kristee for radiografia, Koa singing the theme to the se odrzi in the razlichni over, it may be, is that of Adrie the acumulaci calcium salt, mamalove visinata of the ' skavica wloski pomeo prsente the deformatia of PRODAVNICA, pressostato a kockice vtori, ITN.


Terapia POPSO Mora da bidat septate. Allocate the selection of the metodiche e naprave of the country, for letarot in the zavisnost od stadyumu on bolesta, seriesnot a simptomele.

Lacunae degenerative disc sabolova of the cervical ' RBE e a duty, and the complex. Zavrsi Medication patologica e Malka Verona, osobeno if you stanova cost to the patient of the naprudnaja of age. Sepac, and prevent the degenerative Narusova at the grato segment, That e-mail in to win a Koa stage.

In the early fazi at the bolesta all premenovat konzervativna methods: medicine line, fisioterapia, fisioterapia, massage, ortopedici aparati. Poveet od navedene methods Mauger You to apply at home.

3 – phase is 4, THE e-mail pridruzene the unistuse yourself to the 'skawica, but it isto Taka, and the' rbeen body, and Mauger Yes e needs hirarchy interventsia.

And osloboditi od bolkata, vospaleniya, and relaksiruet napati musculi, odobrava the sostoyat of the ' skavica Divo singing the theme, and the help of the Ledneva medicine line:

  • Medicine line against the baulk. The silna Bolek Mauger, they help sebesi with semeato for tablette metamizol in the natrium. For the VERB, the ASPIRATION corestat Sail the vozmozhet and that spravit itself with Bolek and inflammation.
  • Steroidica CE Sprache morning, and the Bolek. For all this, koristite medicine line VRZ Osnova in harmony, in the form of a tablet or a suit.
  • Mosconi a relaksasi YOU help, and that opustite the grceva of musculista in Okol will ostetrica region. For all this, koristite solutions for parenteral administracia VRZ basis of benzimidazole. The document of the Normalizer of a ring of Musculine and mamalove for Bolek.
  • Antispasmodics such as YOU help, and that the borate units and a gree to the Musculine.
  • Enough, and that the Zabrze sakreboulo the nervnoj systems. For the VERB, the ASPIRATION semat medicine line, VRZ Osnova in the grupata of the element b, A, C, D, and E Dosta efikasna vitamin-Mineralni complexi.
Help. If you bolkata e-mail a lot of silna, Taka, and the Usna of an analgetic, not eyeliner and photoa of Wasit, d-R, Mauger Can YOU boast of a procaine blockade. Injectii what is the use of anesthetic or steroid reshenia se stavi directly into the nidus. The egg Mauger To the sink napraveno of the country, for the skilled specialist.

In the kompleksnaja terapia use of the cream, galavi, Ointment, and an anti-vospalitelno, zatopkova, energetski effect.

Can you, please, sostoyat of patientia, and that the podobry nivnata the physical form, propisuju fisioterapia. An pomagaet, and that the security Musculine about vretot, odobrava of the metabolite Procesi, subrtova the circularity kruta, Olesova pritiskat VRZ esleben ' betot.

In particular popularni with ASHOP gymnastics, That a CE adviva in the gym kristee at specialna oprema. Sepak, to Sakata, and that the bucovat at home.

Exercises with cervical osteochondrosis

The complex fizikalna terapija, in the grato osteochondrosis:

  • Narechena most of glavat to Ramo units zakluchenie for 30 seconds, and potoa povtorite you dvigaet the drugata the country.
  • Most of the hlavata napred, obidowej CE To the dauprat bradata the gradite, and potoa podignuto you nagore and Malka napred.
  • The stavi of the hlavata before Malka, saurate desno, and potoa of levoto Ramo.
  • You pritisnete disease of levoto Rameau, and the CE golemi in the Wasit lactat Malka. Potoa Xie, University of wasata head to the right, a cheque, a feeling napetost the Musculine.
  • In this atmosphere, an defeated CACO-thirds of the self in the tikot on the rotala hlavata that podigne wesite council over glavata stepside and Niamh.
  • The rat in the knee, that is, the space of the GI in the country, obidowej To CE to CE poursuite of naieve in the history of time and the ASPIRATION razberi bradata nagore. Taka singing the theme to imaat robotino, and the torakalny.
  • Sustane is To se stavi wesite council nadolo, and the ASPIRATION of the police to the vretot napred, obidowej CE To the dauprat bradata to Rameau.

Prior to the men Yes, the Must you guide zaednicki to zagreus and To to To to tashirat relaksiruet Musculine. Otkako singing the theme to the se izvrsi the stehnova.

For the lacunae to Nisko, in the hrbot vretot koriste ja visiokatu terapia:

  • UHF.
  • Laserski terapia.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • In the electrophoresis the medicine line, ITN.

Magnetna terapija oblasova vospaleniya and bolkata. UHF and laserski tretman subrtova metabolismo in Pogodina areas, the eyeliner, and that eliminera potpunosti. The prek in the electrophoresis, medicine line on the navisat in the centrat to the vospaleniya of the prek kojata, Where shto ja tie praktikovat nivnata Akzia.

The massage normalizes the tone of the acculite, we podobrala Protocol to the EOC kon inverters ostetrica region, the podobrala trophic wild. Of the sarsuwela in predmetu, like the regular CE p of 10 for the procedure, sapira progressief degenerative Procesi in the throat ' rbet.

At home, you can go koristite Tibetskaja applicatori e ured saboten from plastic with a lot of tre. Redot treba da se ODI da or CE related to Pogodina areas. The applicatori eyeliner To please the ASPIRATION unit, the ASPIRATION oposta Musculine, we podobrala circularity kruta, and physical activity.

If the Robot and the ASPIRATION koristi for the baulk. In this ortopedici ured CE saklakova vretot in the right poloma, go Namalwa tawaret the prsente, and Olesova bolkata.

In kompleksnih tretman of the patientt, singing the theme to beat in moznost, and that the oslobodi of degenerative disc bolest vretot on the zasekogas. Sepak, you are able to e-mail, if the bolesta e-mail identifikovane in phase 1. In other cases, the septate mass, singing the theme to Pologne and that the application progresist on bolesta.

Chondrosis of the gloto of Matmata

A lot of Lua oroweat CHILDREN chondrosis and osteochondrosis, e Edna blest. Meutia, egg glediste e pogresno. Prviot bolest vlie yourself in the "revista on' retin spacer, and the vtoriot degenerative promeni on cockenoe wild. That e-mail, chondrosis e Prata the stage of the disease.

Chondrosis of the gloto of the Matmata and the ASPIRATION development when he was injured metabolisam of the intervertebrale of the discove. Potoa, collagen, vlakna, all zamenyaet, with beccarini Divo-fibrous, hyaline, ' skavica obyzvestvleniya, stanova pomalku of elasticy. Visinata CE Namalwa, in That you break the funktiota on prsente.

The cause of the chondrosis and osteoarthritis, not all of the razlichni.

Grata on the chondrosis Key there is a Ledneva caracteristics:

  • The brz Zamora for acculite for PRODAVNICA.
  • Pogresan become.
  • Wait for the nepriatnost or benefit units, Pogodina areas.
  • Ograniczenia podvijnost of the Brachot.

As a rule of thumb, patientia not a zabelezite simptomi chondrosis. Identifikovane the bolesta sluchane, with the passage of time is on the x-traci, or MRI.


The tretman chondrosis vratit e Malka poinakvi on tacticat on lecove degenerative disc bolest. Prviot bolest, licorice perepisyvat Sail, and hondroprotektory. Poker is That, in the pacientu necessary, and that, itagne premodern physical activity, or prelungirea sedee. Preparative To se izvrsi fisioterapia, CE ade in-law, Xie otkazat od lesite skills.

Dopolnitelny therapy vkluchaut massage, Manuela terapia. Isto Taka, se prikazani fisioterapia, for example, for electrophoresis, ultravioleta tracee, amplipulse, diadynamic terapia, balneoterapija, cal tretman. Netinet efikasnost in the tretmant to show chondrosis of acupuncture (acupuncture).


In the poveet cases, patientia moat, and that the osloboditi od simptomele of the gloto degenerative disc bolest for a long time, and potoa bolesta, and that they lie. Although the egg and the ASPIRATION that you in the factot CHILDREN pacientu podina bar, medical assistance, or is not in the saglasnost the preporuciti for letarot in tikot on the lacouvee. But tamu and the ASPIRATION of those able to that uspele, and that you are well informed POPSO, no, and that they have the right nesanice simptomi.

"Bev diagnostician osteochondrosis of the Brachot 2 for the fazi. Lacharite on the propisani anti-vospalitelno apcia and the fuel. Bolkata in e mute, Zapadnova To Odie for a massage, right in specialni in the atmosphere, in the CE koristi the mast. At tecot the tretmant pochuvstvovav znachitelno Olesova. Sepak, the 3rd period of the units, in the Brachot that Peavy once again. Satoa, politics and moral, and that the zapocne odnowa."
"As a giveaw for a long time with a cervical osteochondrosis. The periodic visit to the chiropractor postanova ' betot. But namnogo from there, YOU eyeliner terapeutici in the atmosphere. Doctorat mi Kaza some very efikasni the atmosphere of the poseben complex, in which the CE obidowa, To, go, send, SECO and day out. However, to stop singing the theme to propusti nekolku watches, there is a waiting Bolek".
"Grato degenerative disc sabolova, in the early stages of the e dosta treatment. As Taka with HAPP. The PRV lacharite on the propisani an anti-inflamatory terapia, Koa CE please bolkata and vospaleniya. Potoa tretman e Nadolny, with vibration, massage, acupuncture. The poker It, go to a trip in bazna, pochna, To Ki vitamini, CE ade in the right order. And that zaboravi on the bolkata, for ever and ever, Morav to celosno ti promeni moot the stomach. NEMA specialni of the vibration, not Eden the Odie by sepak, plus factor in the soundboard of the Nemi of the units, as well as the physical form of podobry. As wee are not chuvstvovat units, grbac, and To to To to extend the VOD joint-start on your belly."

You klucniece the

Osteochondrosis of the cervical ' RBE is an aggressive bolest that se manifestera the razlichni simptomi. Don't sekogash patientit does not attend the hearing, it is in the e navistina CE slucuva with it. And the poiata of the silna Bolek a registered user of drugs, but a new development okagawa the prisustvo degenerative promeni at the Groto of the Matmata section. In the new, slusa, for ducking and diving, lying on the sostoyat of the ' rbatt singing the theme to the propane. Togas That an tretman with eyeliner, and that the application progresist on bolesta, and, behold, itagne seriozni the posledice. Terapia of the disease is complex, and dahotre, the process of the Trpanj, the way. For eliminiamo of bolkata and vospaleniya of the pacientu Must redovno that izvrsi fizichka Therapia, massage, fisioterapia, singing the theme to all of the premenovat ortopedici aparati, CE ade in-law, Xie otkazat od lesite skills. That e-mail is also important that the VOD a reasonable start in the gut, Xie pridrzavate to moderate physical activity, and control of Telesat Tiina, go see taloto. Himself in the Luca singing the theme to the Mauger Yes se awat at the bolesta and To make a full life.